
Kevin Smith oficializa o desenvolvimento da sequência de Barrados no Shopping

Escrito por Daniel Estorari

Em um post recente no seu perfil na rede social Instagram, o cineasta Kevin Smith oficializou que a sequência de Barrados no Shopping.

Segundo Kevin, o título provisório da continuação é Crepúsculo dos Barrados no Shopping.

“Meu começo de ano já está sendo divertindo por estar escrevendo para a produtora Brodie Bruce & Co. Posso dizer que é um roteiro com o título ‘Twilight of the Mallrats’!” Disse Smith.

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2019 was seriously one of the best years of my life! So many of my dreams came true this year, as well as a few big things too dazzling to even dare dream about! From the return of @jayandsilentbob, to having my career literally cemented at the legendary @chinesetheatres, to Clerks being accepted into the @librarycongress – 2019 kept giving and giving! Sooooo glad I didn’t drop dead back in 2018, because I would’ve missed all the stuff I listed with my pic. Thank you to everyone who supported the #jayandsilentbob #rebootroadshow Tour: we’ve made over 3 million bucks from our 2 @fathomevents screenings and the 37 cities we’ve visited so far (Tour resumes January 10th in Oakland for another 25 cities through Feb 26). Many thanks for powering my dopey dream of reopening the Askewniverse and making me and @jaymewes feel so welcomed in all your towns and cities! It’s gonna be hard for 2020 to measure up to 2019 – but I’m off to a fun start by writing stuff for Brodie Bruce & Co. to say in the new script I’m calling TWILIGHT OF THE MALLRATS! The CLERKS III script is also underway, so we’ll see which flick will be my first film of the roaring 20’s! But tonight, I end the year like I always do – standing on the stage at the @hollywoodimprov with @ralphgarman, making BABBLE until the Ball drops (a few tix left at the link in my bio)! It was a decade that began badly with COP OUT and the TOO FAT TO FLY incident. The decade of the Red State Tour, @tuskthemovie and @yogahosers! It was the decade in which I almost died of a massive heart attack, and the decade where I went Vegan and got down to my high school weight! Who knows what the next decade holds in store for us – but I’m ready to turn the page and find out! Happy New Year, my friends! (Jedi Kev piece by @giovanni_hollywood2008.) #KevinSmith #newyearseve #2019

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Ao serem abandonados por suas namoradas no mesmo dia, Brodie e T.S. decidem ir ao shopping para se lamentar. Antes do fim do dia, eles encontram vários personagens excêntricos e armam um plano para reatar com suas amadas. Diz a sinopse do primeiro filme. 

Para futuras informações a respeito de Barrados no Shopping, fique ligado aqui, na Torre de Vigilância.


Sobre o Autor

Daniel Estorari

With great powers...